Apply for compensation under the Infection Protection Act for loss of earnings

Service Description

If you have to seclude yourself or are no longer allowed to work due to an order from the health department and have lost earnings as a result, you can receive compensation.

If you have another job or work from home (home office), you are not entitled to compensation.

The amount of compensation depends on your earnings.

For male and female employees the following applies:

  • For the first 6 weeks, you will receive compensation for lost earnings directly from your employer in the amount of your previous net pay. Short-time allowance is also taken into account.
  • From the 7th week onwards, the competent authority will pay compensation amounting to 67 percent of the loss of earnings, up to a maximum of EUR 2,016 for a full month.
  • Allowances from your employer will be deducted in the calculation.
  • If you are entitled to unemployment benefits during the activity ban, you will receive these from the Employment Agency.

The following applies to employers:

  • You must pay the compensation to your employees. You can have the amounts paid reimbursed by the competent authority.
  • Contributions to pension, nursing care and health insurance can also be reimbursed to you.
  • You can apply for an advance from the competent authority.

For self-employed persons:

  • You will receive the reimbursement directly from the competent authority.
  • Your last annual profit is taken into account for the calculation. This is divided by 12.
  • You can have contributions to pension, nursing care and health insurance reimbursed.
  • You will receive the compensation monthly in arrears on the 1st of the following month. For example, you would receive compensation for March on April 1.
  • You may apply for an advance.

For home-based workers and homeworkers:

  • Unlike self-employed workers, your average monthly income is used in the calculation.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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