Service Finder
Information on the novel coronavirus
Service Description
Respiratory illnesses caused by the novel coronavirus were first detected in the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan (Hubei Province) in early December 2019. The virus can be transmitted from person to person.
Coronaviruses in general usually cause mild courses of disease, but can also lead to severe, possibly fatal courses. The novel coronavirus can lead to a severe infection of the lower respiratory tract and to pneumonia in some of the infected persons. So far, deaths have mainly occurred in patients who had already suffered from severe underlying diseases.
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) estimates the overall risk of spread in Germany as high (as of 24.3.2020). The RKI publishes current case numbers, affected countries and information on risk areas.
Behaviour in case of suspected infection
A warning and information system has been set up for travellers arriving by plane from a risk area.
If you are returning from a risk area or have had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case and develop symptoms such as fever or respiratory problems within 14 days, the RKI recommends contacting a doctor (phone call) and coordinating your visit or dialling 116117.
Doctors and laboratories must report suspected illness with the novel coronavirus to the public health department. The public health department
- can implement further measures to protect against infection,
- reports information about the case to the state authorities. Name, address and other personal data are not transmitted. The RKI evaluates all information on the novel coronavirus centrally.
General protection against infections
The RKI and the BZgA refer to the usual general rules of conduct for protection against infectious diseases:
- Wash hands regularly and thoroughly.
- observe etiquette when coughing and sneezing
- Keep your distance from people who are ill.
These also serve to protect against influenza, for example.
In the case of acute respiratory infections, it can be useful for an ill person to wear a mouth-nose protection. This can reduce the risk of infecting other people through droplets that are produced when coughing or sneezing (external protection).
Information for travellers
The Federal Foreign Office publishes health recommendations for travel abroad as required. Current information can be obtained from the travel and safety advice of the Federal Foreign Office.
Process flow
Not applicable
Not applicable
Which documents are required?
Not applicable
What are the fees?
Not applicable
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Not applicable
Processing duration
Not applicable
Legal basis
- Ordinance on the extension of the reporting obligation under the Infection Protection Act to infections with the novel coronavirus that first appeared in Wuhan, People's Republic of China, in December 2019
- Infection Protection Act (IfSG)
- Act on the Implementation of the International Health Regulations (IGV-DG)
Not applicable
What else should I know?
Not applicable
Supporting institutions
Thuringian State Office for Consumer Protection
Coronavirus information hotline: 0361 57-3815099
Call times:
Monday to Friday from 9:00 - 12:00 and from 13:30 - 15:00
Further Information
- Information on the coronavirus on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health
- Information on the website "Together against Corona" of the Federal Ministry of Health
- Ongoing information from the Federal Ministry of Health via Facebook
- Ongoing information from the Federal Ministry of Health via Twitter
- Questions and answers about the coronavirus on the website of the Federal Center for Health Education
- Guide to protection against infections from the Federal Center for Health Education
- Technical information on the coronavirus from the Robert Koch Institute
- Information on new rules, measures, regulations and tips on the federal government's website
Remark: Linkfix BReg topic page
- Travel and safety advice from the Federal Foreign Office
- Labor law information from the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
- Information on dealing with COVID-19 in the workplace from the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- Information on financial support services, childcare or assistance in crisis situations on the website of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
- Information on travel restrictions, border controls and other topics on the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
- Information on business-related questions about the coronavirus and financial support for companies on the website of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
- Questions and answers on food, agriculture and pets on the website of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
- Information on drinking water on the website of the Federal Environment Agency
- Information on visiting swimming or bathing pools on the website of the Federal Environment Agency
The text was automatically translated based on the German content per DeepL.
Technically approved by
Federal Ministry of Health (BMG)
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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