Service Finder
Road haulage: proof of professional qualification
Service Description
If you want to run a road haulage company, you must be professionally qualified. To do this, you must demonstrate knowledge in various subject areas:
- Law (knowledge of civil, commercial, social and tax law required for the exercise of the profession).
- Commercial and financial management of the company
- Technical standards and technical operation
- Road safety
- Accident prevention and measures to be taken in case of accidents.
- Cross-border road haulage
You must prove your expertise by passing an examination, by holding a suitable professional qualification or by having held a managerial position in a road haulage company.
Who should I contact?
Contact the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). The Chamber of Industry and Commerce in whose district you are domiciled has local jurisdiction.
Legal basis
The text was automatically translated based on the German content per DeepL.
Technically approved by
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of East Thuringia in Gera
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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