Service Finder
Employment on Sundays and public holidays: Exemption permit (for chemical, biological, technical or physical reasons)
Service Description
If you as an employer wish to employ workers on Sundays and public holidays because certain work requires uninterrupted continuation on Sundays and public holidays for chemical, biological, technical or physical reasons, you require an exemption permit. This may apply, for example, to tunnel construction work or conservation work that is heavily dependent on the weather, unless they are already legally permitted under Section 10 (1) No. 15 ArbZG. The permit is issued exclusively for the activity to be continued and the activities directly associated with it.
Who should I contact?
Contact the Thuringian State Office for Consumer Protection (TLV) Occupational Health and Safety Department.
- for chemical, biological, technical or physical reasons, uninterrupted continuation of the work is also required on Sundays and public holidays
Which documents are required?
The application must be submitted in an informal letter.
The application must contain, among other things (more detailed information can be found in the appendix)
- Designation of the company / construction site, if applicable,
- Number of employees to be employed per shift,
- Description of the procedure,
- specific period of the requested authorization (first/last Sunday/holiday),
- Justification for the employment of workers on Sundays and public holidays
What are the fees?
The granting of an exemption permit is subject to a fee. The fees are determined in accordance with the applicable schedule of fees or costs.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The application should be received by the competent authority at least four weeks before the first Sunday and public holiday on which employees are to be employed.
Processing duration
The processing time is generally four weeks.
Applications / forms
You have the right to appeal against the decision on your application or against a decision that was not made within the deadline in accordance with the Administrative Court Regulations (objection, if necessary, legal action before the Administrative Court).
Information on submitting an application in accordance with Section 13 (4) ArbZG
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The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health, Women and Family
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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