State-certified food chemist - Recognize foreign professional qualifications

Service Description

If you want to use the professional title "Staatlich geprüfte Lebensmittelchemikerin/Staatlich geprüfter Lebensmittelchemiker", you need a state permit for this.

The additional qualification as "Staatlich geprüfte Lebensmittelchemikerin/Statlich geprüfter Lebensmittelchemiker" in addition to a completed degree in food chemistry must be proven for an activity in the official food monitoring and for the approval as a private counter-sample expert according to the Counter-Sample Regulation. Outside of these activities, the professional title "State-certified food chemist" is not required in all professional areas. For example, it may be possible to work in research institutes, industrial laboratories or consumer organizations without the aforementioned professional title if this meets the requirements profile demanded there. In these cases, it is possible to practice the profession with the academic degree "Diplom-Lebensmittelchemiker/in" or with an equivalent university degree. However, the professional title "State-certified food chemist" may not then be used.

If you have obtained your degree abroad and wish to use the professional title "Staatlich geprüfte Lebensmittelchemikerin/Staatlich geprüfter Lebensmittelchemiker", you can apply to have the equivalence of your degree with the German degree verified.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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