Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "JUVENTUS: Strengthening mobility - for a social Europe"

Service Description

With the JUVENTUS program, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) promotes cooperation and project networks that support young people without work or vocational training (NEETs). The aim of the program is for young adults to gain work experience abroad and thereby improve their chances on the job market.

The target group of NEETs includes unemployed and job-seeking young people aged between 18 and 30 who have difficulty accessing work or training. These include, for example

  • School drop-outs and early school leavers
  • people who have dropped out of training or cannot find a training place
  • the long-term unemployed,
  • the low-skilled,
  • people who have a migration background or belong to a national minority,
  • single parents, or
  • people with disabilities.

A central component of the JUVENTUS program is the transnational mobility measure. This comprises a two to six-month accompanied stay for the participants in another European country. During their stay, the young people take part in an internship in a local company. The stay abroad is accompanied by an intensive preparation and follow-up phase in Germany.

The program also aims to strengthen mutual exchange on a transnational level. This is achieved through cooperation with partners in the transnational "ALMA Network" as part of the European Commission's new ALMA (Anvisieren, Lernen, Meistern, Ankommen) initiative.

A prerequisite for funding is that your cooperation or project network works with at least one host partner organization in another EU member state and sends participants to this organization. In addition, young people can also be sent to EU candidate countries, countries of the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom.

Type and scope:

You will receive the funding as a grant. The maximum grant amount is 90 percent of the total eligible expenditure.

Your own contribution must amount to at least 10 percent of the total eligible expenditure. It should be spread evenly over the funding period. The own contribution can be provided by both own funds and third-party funds.

Applications are approved by the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See (DRV KBS). The DRV KBS has the following tasks

  • informing the applicants and providing advice on funding,
  • examine applications,
  • approve and pay out grants, and
  • check the approved projects.

The duration of the projects is usually 4 years. A maximum limit of 2 million euros applies to the total eligible expenditure.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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