Exercise the right of first refusal of the municipality

Service Description

Exercise of the right of first refusal means that when a municipality purchases a plot of land in its municipal area, it has a right, subject to certain conditions, for it or a third party to enter into the purchase agreement and subsequently become the owner of the land. This serves to secure and implement the municipality's urban land use planning.

The right of first refusal also includes, for example, land within the scope of a development plan if the land in question is earmarked in the development plan for public use or (in the case of undeveloped land) for housing.

It may only be exercised if the public good justifies it.

The exercise of the right of first refusal may be excluded under certain circumstances or averted by the purchaser.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6PLus)

Competent Authority

Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Südliches Saaletal - Bauamt

Bahnhofsstraße 23
07768 Kahla
036424 59-0
036424 59-150
Opening times

Personal contact exclusively with prior appointment!

By appointment only
Parking spaces
Parking Place
Fees: yes